Bob Bertram Bio
As far back as he can remember, Bob Bertram was being given paper and pencil by his mother and encouraged to draw. As his talent for art became more apparent, he knew he wanted to go into art. Following high school, he attended the Lincoln Land Community College. While at Lincoln Land he was informed that Murray State University had recently hired a new instructor for their graphic design and commercial art program - Joe Rigsby. Bob Head, chairman of the art department at Murray State, arranged a meeting with Joe, and they hit it off immediately. Bob attended Murray State for the next three years, graduating with a BFA with emphasis in illustration in 1984.
Bob continued to pursue his love for painting and drawing while working at several advertising and promotion agencies. In 1990, Bob decided to leave his job at the agency and pursue a career as a freelance artist. Since then Bob has divided his time between commercial art projects and his fine art pursuits. Bob and his wife, Linda, live in Manchester, Missouri with their two children, Jennifer and Michael.