

Fred Boyer

Fred Boyer has traveled the world but he has remained close to his Montana roots where he grew up, went to high school and college. He majored in art education at Montana State University in Bozeman. After graduating from college, he went to Sitka, Alaska where he taught art in the public schools, and worked as a hunting guide in the summers. Fred loved Alaska, but Montana kept calling him back home. He returned to Montana and taught art in the public schools for 14 years. ""Teaching art is a learning experience for the teacher as well as the student"" he says, recollecting his years in the education profession. Although Boyer studied sculpture in college, he didn't get really serious with sculpture until he had been teaching for 5-6 years. ""The first pieces I did were pretty rough"" he recalls. Finding time for his talent wasn't easy. He was teaching full time and working as a smoke jumper for the Forest Service in the summer months. By putting in long evenings and weekends, he succeeded in improving his art, and began to find a market in area galleries. He was still teaching at the time his works were first admitted to the prestigious C.M.Russell Western Art Auction in Great Falls Montana. In 1983, Boyer left his teaching position and became a full-time artist. He has been the featured artist at many art shows, and his works have frequently won recognition as Best of Show or People's Choice in art shows. His works can be seen at many galleries and shows around the world.

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During my travels in Africa, I am continually impressed by the size and power of these magnificent animals.