Persis Clayton Weirs
Persis had no formal training in art, but rather she developed her skills through close observation of the animals and wildlife around her home. She began drawing as a child, concentrating mainly on horses and expanding to include the wide variety of animals such as dogs, cats, raccoons, birds, fox and many others. “Drawing and painting them was unavoidable,” she said. Her father also taught his children how to identify and appreciate the characteristics and beauty of the animals and their surrounding habitat.
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1st One Liner Living on the coast of Maine has always been a true inspiration for me. The ocean, in all its moods, is always beautiful. The day after an offshore storm, we are treated to great rolling swells that crash relentlessly against our rocky coastline. 2nd One Liner Storms out at sea often create huge swells that crash into the coastline the day after the strom has passed. Pat's One Liner Version Living on an island off the coast of Maine has blessed me with so many opportunities to witness the power of nature in its most primal form. An Autumn storm, during the hurricane season, brought the fury of the winds and the high tide of the ocean togther as they surrounded the majestic spine ofour lighthouse just offshore. I was inspired to attempt to capture the moment as the setting sun reflected off the clouds in its golden light.