Scot Storm
As a youngster, Scot Storm discovered his talent for drawing, sketching and design. These skills eventually led him to North Dakota State University where he earned a degree in architecture. While working in this field, Scot’s love of hunting and the outdoors drew him to explore the challenges of wildlife art. In 1987, as a self-taught artist, he entered the Minnesota Duck Stamp contest and place second. Encouraged by the acceptance of his initial work he continued to enter stamp contests and enjoyed his first top award by winning the Indiana Pheasant Stamp competition. Scot’s interest in wildlife art became such a passion, that in 1999, he decided to give up his career in architecture and devote himself full-time to painting. Scot was then able to challenge himself in every aspect of his creations from composition, to lighting, to the accuracy and psychology of color. His paintings of waterfowl, hunting dogs and other animals all reveal his attention to the fine details that breathe life into every image and draw the viewer into a scene. Scot is best known to sportsman across the country for his images of waterfowl, pheasants and dogs in the field. His image graced the 2004-05 Federal Duck Stamp and he has won numerous state conservation stamp contests. His prints have raised thousands of dollars at conservation fund-raising banquets across the country. His most recent honors include Ducks Unlimited 2005 Artist of the Year and Pheasants Forever 2006 Pheasant Fest Featured Artist.
I wanted to capture the essence of an early morning in the wilderness when the
world is still quiet and peaceful. The painting features a dominant whitetail buck
checking his territory, or scrapeline, with two other whitetail deer accompanying
The majestic buck is standing tall and proud with his antlers in full display. His
powerful presence is felt as he surveys his surroundings, ready to protect his
territory from any potential threats. I wanted to convey the sense of strength and
dominance that this animal exudes, as well as his innate grace and beauty. I aimed
to convey the feeling of being in the presence of these magnificent creatures, as if
the viewer is standing right there with them in the early morning light.
I hope that viewers will feel a sense of awe and respect for the power and grace of
the whitetail deer and be inspired to appreciate and protect our natural world.