Wildlife Artwork And Deer Art - Wild Wings

Wildlife Artwork And Deer Art

Wildlife Artwork And Deer Art

The term wildlife art often evokes images of paintings depicting bears or cougars, and perhaps an elk or an eagle. And, while these are indeed common and majestic subjects of much wildlife art, deer art is perhaps as ubiquitous in wildlife art as the deer themselves. 

Deer Art: Wildlife That is Close to Home 

For the uninitiated, the proliferation of deer just in North America might suggest a multitude of deer species and subspecies. Surprisingly, perhaps, there are only two species of deer in the continental United States. 

As an article  in Mother Earth News relates, 

“Just two species of deer are native to North America (they do occasionally interbreed): whitetail (Odocoileus virginianus) and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). A third group, the Pacific coastal (or Columbia) blacktail (O. h. columbianus), is simply a regional variation of the mule deer with enough individuality to be considered a legitimate subspecies.” 

In fact, the entire deer species in temperate North America, including the Canadian Rocky Mountain and Columbia Mountain regions between Alberta and British Columbia, there are just five North American deer species: the white-tailed deer, mule deer, caribou, elk, and moose. 

And few of us think these last three as “deer” and tend to categorize them as “large wildlife” creatures.

The same article goes on to note that,

“Other offshoots of the two primary species include the Sitka deer of Alaska (O. h. sitkensis), a close relative of the blacktail (and consequently of the muley), and two diminutive cousins to the whitetail: the Coues deer (O. v. covesi) of the American Southwest and the Florida Key deer (O.

v. clavium).” 

No one knows for sure how many deer inhabit the continental United States, but they have had a hard time of it. In 1930, for example, the white-tailed deer population was estimated to be just 300,000 due to over-hunting and disease. 

Today, however, estimates of deer population range as high as 30 million, or a 1,000-fold increase in less than 100 years. This has resulted in deer becoming a common site throughout the country and not only in populated rural areas, but in the suburbs and, on occasion, in town! 

Deer art image

Deer-Themed Wildlife Art: Images and Artists 

It is no surprise then, that many wildlife artists find inspiration for their work in the common deer. Wildlife artist Jim Kasper, for example, has produced numerous works using deer as his subject. A graduate of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in Minneapolis, Kasper lives on Deer Lake in northern Minnesota, appropriately enough, and his studio overlooks a forest. 

At WildWings we carry numerous pieces by this nationally renowned artist, including Kasper's original paintings and prints. 

Another wildlife artist who is fond of producing deer art is Michael Sieve. 

Also a native of Minnesota, Sieve’s paintings are marked by their intense realism and his skill for capturing unique lighting. The wildlife subjects of his artwork range from whitetail deer in woods to stone sheep on mountain peaks to elephants on the African plain. 

Deer art is a popular subject for many wildlife artists, and we offer limited-edition prints and original artwork from as many as two dozen artists. 

Wilderness and Rural Neighborhoods: Settings for Deer Art 

One of the more appealing aspects of deer art is the wide range of settings for this artwork topic. Deer imagery can be captured in the most remote and rugged mountain settings in North America, or on a farm in Iowa. 

Another quality of deer art for many fans and collectors is the sublime sense of beauty evoked in the often pastoral settings. 

Images of deer peacefully grazing on the edge of a freshly plowed field, tractor off to one side, and a farmhouse in the background, create a comforting sense of calm for many people. And, for others, scenes like these depicted in many deer art pieces evoke pleasant childhood memories of farm life or visits to grandparents’ rural homes. 

Whether it’s a majestic buck sniffing the morning air on the fringe of a mountain forest, an imposing elk trudging through a snow-strewn meadow, or a pair of white-tail does loitering near a pickup truck on a farm, deer art settings can be diverse in their scenery. 

Deer art Wild Wings

Deer Art from Wild Wings 

Wild Wings offers exclusive and high quality deer wildlife art  for sale with over 865 images available in limited-edition prints, wrapped canvases, and framed pieces by the nation's best wildlife artists.

Not only would these deer-themed art pieces be perfect in your own home, but they would also

make wonderful gifts for the nature-lover in your life! 

Our wildlife artwork features stunning deer art pieces from artists such as Sam Timm, Anthony Padgett, and Persis Clayton Weirs. Browse through our collection today to find the perfect piece for you, or a friend or loved one. 

Wild Wings is the leader in wildlife themed art, and we pioneered the wildlife art industry with over 2,500 print editions produced since 1968. 

Today, Wild Wings stocks over 1,000 outdoor and wildlife art prints  representing 75 of America’s top artists and our Wildlife Art collection offers buyers the perfect combination of beauty, quality,

comfort, and uniqueness.

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